Believe it or not Friday was productive and uneventful. A nice reprieve, really.
On Saturday morning I got up early with the boys and we, along with Mom, headed out to the Bloomington Farmers Market in the Art Center parking lot. I was feeling a little off, so I didn’t eat breakfast. We had a great time and gathered up lots of fresh veggies and fruit, meat and eggs. Urban even talked me into kettle corn and pickles! I did not eat any of it, however.
By the time we got home, I was not feeling well at all. And, BAM! #8 smacks me in the gut and splashes in the toilet. The rancid #8 wasn’t done with me, though. It hit Beringer the same day, followed by Urban and next Mom on the 4th of July. It finally made it to Brett on the 5th. Lovely way to celebrate Independence Day.
Saturday afternoon while Beringer and I napped and Brett took Urban to the beach, Mom went to visit Dad at his assisted living facility in St. Paul. When she came out to go home, her car wouldn’t start. #9 was an energy drain, and the battery was dead. She called all over town for assistance, and had to pay extra for a tow truck to come from Minneapolis to jump her car so she could get home. The next morning, we were able to get her into the Firestone on Lyndale. When they tested the battery it was at 1%. It barely even registered on the tester. This place was amazing, though. The assistant manager was very friendly and helpful and explained everything thoroughly without condescension.
Brett and Urban had a great time at the beach. They swam and built sandcastles. They ate junk food. Brett made a point of stopping on the way to get sunscreen and sprayed it on both of them generously. Saturday night Brett asked me to check his back. “I think I got a little burned.”
I looked. “A little?” Had there been any part that wasn’t red, I’m sure you would have seen the brand that read “#10 was here”.
“I don’t get it. I had on SPF50!” Urban was fine. He barely looked like he had gone outside. It was crazy. 3 days of aloe later, Brett still looked like a well-cooked lobster. So painful. But at least it was only on his back. He can still move boxes around just fine. ::grin::
Bonus Hosta: On Tuesday when we returned to work, Brett rode the bus all the way downtown only to find out the office was closed on Tuesday too. HAPPY HOSTAS, EVERYONE!
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