Of course, Urban is also obsessed with older girls and attention, so this breakfast was right up his alley. By the end of the meal, he had 6 high school girls gathered around him as he told stories and did his prat falls. He even asked them all to smell his cheeks. (He had put aftershave on that morning with Daddy because, "girls like it when you smell nice.")
At the end of the breakfast, Josephine and her dad, Brett's cousin Patrick, invited us back to their house. Urban was ecstatic. Josephine asked Urban if he had ever seen a bunny before. He looked at her and said, "I've seen one on TV!" You see, Josephine raises chickens and rabbits.
So, apparently, I am completely failing my son. We live in a metro area, yes, but we do not live in the concrete jungle. There are wild rabbits everywhere. How has he never seen one? How have I missed pointing out rabbits?? Urban is clearly living up to his name.

Urban looked at me all serious and said, "Mama, these are special eggs because they are REAL eggs. Not the store kind. REAL ones from REAL chickens, Mama. Real ones."
So, wait, they are real eggs?? Wow. I'm glad they aren't pretend like those ones I pay $3 for every week. Now I have the pressure of doing something awesome with the REAL eggs. He is dying to eat them. Do I boil them? Make them into a cake or sweet bread? Do they become cookies? I have to figure it out before the REAL eggs become REAL yucky.
And, let me tell you, this has done nothing to dissuade my desire for city chickens. You hear, me Brett? I think we need chickens at our new house. ::grin::
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