What's the best way to get rid of stuff? Tell people you have it. At least, that's what I've found. This weekend we really started our purge. Brett and I spent most of Friday night sorting and boxing some of our stuff. This was after the boys were in bed, of course because who can get anything done with one constantly trying to toss himself down the stairs and the other DEMANDING we play Zombie Dice "NOW!"? By Saturday morning, we had one pile to take to consignment shops, another to donate and yet another to take to our friends' garage sale that morning.
In the process, I spent quite a bit of time gathering all the pieces of one of our china sets and tidily packing it into two diaper boxes. (Classy, I know.) Brett and I had picked up the set at a garage sale ourselves, and the plan was to load it up and sell it at one again. We paid $60 for it, so we figured someone else might too. For added bargaining power, I decided to hop on ebay and see how much it was going for there. Well, I discovered it was going for A LOT more than 60 bucks! More like 10 bucks a plate! Our sorting stopped for a while as we discussed what to do. We really want to get rid of extraneous stuff before the move, but we also would love to have some more money to spend on our decorating projects. What to do? What to do? After a debate, we decided to go ahead and move the plates and put them on ebay ourselves. It's a gamble. We'll see what happens.
The rest of the stuff got packed up with the boys in our little Scion XA and hauled over to South Minneapolis where we made a whopping $5. What a days' work! The rain and cold kept the buyers at bay, and Brett and I realized, we're really more garage sale shoppers than havers. We re-packed the Scion and donated the lot.
Next stop: Craigslist. After a small discussion about, "what will we sleep/eat on," I listed our table and bedroom furniture on this amazing site. I have had a love affair with craigslist for years, and it never fails to amaze me the things the practically fly out of your house and the things that leave you hauling them to the curb while scratching your head. The table was gone in a day, the boys' blue dresser took about a week. The couch is still in the garage... And, anybody need a modern bedroom set?
So, now at least we have a nice, open space to pile boxes in the dining area. Does this mean I can start more packing? JOY! I love progress. I want to see less and less stuff and more and more floor/cardboard. Onward and upward, family! Onward and upward!
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