It's been a whirlwind ever since Urban was born. 5 years now, and we have moved 3 times. That is definitely a lot. When we found out we were pregnant with #1, Brett and I had already been trying to sell our condo and move into a house for over a year. But with the new development, we made the decision to stay put and see what happened, and really, it was a good choice, because trying to move (both the house and my body) when I was swollen with 90 lbs of fluid would have been ludicrous. However, it did not take long for our small place to contract even further, and we were on the hunt again.
So, at exactly 6 months old, Urban moved into his first house. Then, when Urban was 3 1/2, and I was once again tottering with child (8 months along to be exact), we moved again. House #3, move #2. We moved to our rental house knowing that it was not our forever solution. It couldn't be. We did not plan to move as soon as we did, but all signs pointed to our needing to do so. House #4, move #3, Urban at 4 1/2.
So, last night when we were talking and Urban said, "When we get to our next house I want to..." I paused. I took his hands in mine - I was sitting on the floor and he was standing - and I said, "Buddy, we're going to be in this house for a really long time. We won't be moving again until I'm old and grey, and you have kids of your own."
He looked at me blankly. "No more houses?"
"No. This is it."
"Oh. OK. You'll turn grey?"
"Oh. No, no. I won't turn grey my hair will. Like Gramma's."
"Oh. I like your hair. I think it's pretty."
"Thanks, buddy."
And we're on to the next thing. But this revelation moved me. (no pun intended.) My little guy doesn't know any different. He doesn't know roots or stability when it comes to where he lives. It's hard for me to think of that, but in his life, you just move. You move a lot. But, as has come routine in our lives... everything changes. And we are here to stay.
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